Sanctuary Groupie: Yoga Animalia Project Blog

Thanksliving Spirit: Jake

Yoga Animalia: Meleagrine - Jake, Indraloka Animal Sanctuary, Mehoopany, Pennsylvania

Yoga Animalia: Meleagrine - Jake, Indraloka Animal Sanctuary, Mehoopany, Pennsylvania

On this overcast and warmer than frozen day, this day that solely caused 46 million beautiful individuals to be slaughtered for their flesh, this day where I headed into the upper barn to retrieve some meds before the sanctuary residents began their morning greetings, this Thanksgiving Day I began with sorrow.

This sorrow was not from dwelling on the 46 million individuals who lost their lives - I have built healthy and loving new traditions with family and friends that help create joy and celebration on what is otherwise a very dark holiday - it was instead from an unexpected discovery I made early this morning. There is a sense that caregivers develop; a sense of homeostasis disturbed, of energy flows disrupted, of something not-quite-right. That sense drove my attention to where Jake turkey was, or should have been, except Jake wasn't there, it was just his corporeal remains.

I am not ashamed to say I lost it. The grief hit my entire body and I sobbed. It is Thanksgiving day, ThanksLiving as I now think of it. The turkeys I know personally are supposed to eat pumpkin and explore and thrive. We had already had to say goodbye to two brand new turkey friends to whom we could only give a short amount of time due to their insurmountable genetic and physical problems, and I just could not bear saying goodbye to Jake also. But that is part of sanctuary work; we say goodbye when we think it is the last thing our hearts can handle, and I feel fortunate to know humans whose hearts hurt as much as mine, but who do the work and translate that sorrow into a beautiful part of life.

Jake was 13 years old; he lived a glorious and long life, and today was his day. The beauty of a free and beloved turkey's spirit departing on Thanksgiving Day was eloquently stated by sanctuary founder Indra Lahiri, Jake's longest human friend who had originally saved he and his siblings from slaughter prior to Thanksgiving in 2003. 

Indra's thoughtful and authentic response, even amidst her own grief to Jake's passing, had the intense effect of transforming my emotional space. It didn't hurt less, but rather it shifted my energy from tragic to something calmer. It opened up my ability to hold space for Jake's transition, and though my Thanksgiving began with sorrow, it ends with peace.

Beatific Emma: From Broken Beef Calf to Blessed Bovine

Emma, Farm Sanctuary, Orland, California

Emma, Farm Sanctuary, Orland, California

One of the highlights of early 2015 was this beauteous young lady who came into my life while road-tripping on a separate Farm Sanctuary-related quest spearheaded by my besty Alicia. Half way home from Vegas, the call about a calf in need arrived, propelling us to drive into the late hours. We stumbled into a hotel room, slept (maybe), then drove to the rural vet where Emma was supposed to be cared for overnight before we took her to UC Davis. That vet is not high in my estimation to put it mildly, having left her outside in a cold lean-to with barely enough straw for warmth and no pain meds. Alicia and I miraculously kept our tongues in check, got Emma pain meds, and got her loaded for the trek across Utah, Nevada, and into California for proper vet care.

Emma ready for travel

Emma ready for travel

I became instantly obsessed with this big-eyed girl, and wrung my hands a fair bit while we waited for positive word about her condition. Receiving that word brought a relief to my whole body and tears to my eyes. Though at that point she wasn't out of the woods totally, she had a fighting chance, and a beatific presence conveyed through those large eyes.

Tongue acrobatics not hampered by the pain in her leg

Tongue acrobatics not hampered by the pain in her leg

More than a year later, after trekking from New York to Florida to Pennsylvania and then flying back to California, I got to see Emma again, thriving at Orland. This young lady has endured months of hospitalization, surgeries, humans fretting, and yet she still carries serenity in her eyes and her being. She is such a magical friend I feel so blessed to know.

Yoga Animalia: Bovine - Emma

Farm Sanctuary, Orland, California

Emma was found on the side of the road in rural Utah. Her mother was standing protectively by her, and the concerned human who saw them in the same place a second time realized something was wrong. Emma had likely been hit by a car and was unable to walk. The woman contacted the rancher who owned the herd, but his solution was to shoot her. The woman got him to release Emma to her, but sadly could not get her mother. She contacted Farm Sanctuary who raced up to take the calf immediately to UC Davis. There life-saving vet care was provided to Emma, and it was determined her leg was infected and would need to be amputated. After many surgeries, much waiting, and many months, Emma is starting to settle into her three-legged life of love and devotion at Farm Sanctuary's NorCal shelter.

Miracles Come in Pig Sizes: a Family's Healing at Rooterville

Miracle & Sampson, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Miracle & Sampson, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Yoga Animalia: Porcine - Miracle & Sampson

Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Putnam County Animal Control discovered a property where a family of four pigs had been abandoned. They were starved, bones protruding under skin, near the brink of death. Emaciated, the father, mother, and two sons arrived at Rooterville and began their healing process. The mother became known as Miracle, for her recovery was miraculous, yet challenging. Her spay surgery resulted in a hernia and an infection that forced her back to the vet hospital she had been rushed to upon first arrival. After stall rest and yet more recovery, she finally got to become part of the sounder with her family, able to create nests for her sons Sampson and Logain, and finally enjoy the good life.

This image of Miracle and her son Sampson is one that begs a bit more story. Their tale could have ended so tragically, and even after their rescue, the journey of recovery was lengthy, especially for Miracle. The images that follow show the condition in which she and her family were discovered.

Miracle at University of Florida, Gainesville animal hospital right after rescue. Photo courtesy Rooterville Facebook.

Miracle at University of Florida, Gainesville animal hospital right after rescue. Photo courtesy Rooterville Facebook.

Sampson, Logain, and Daddy overjoyed to have grass to eat after their rescue and arrival at Rooterville. Photo courtesy Rooterville Facebook.

Sampson, Logain, and Daddy overjoyed to have grass to eat after their rescue and arrival at Rooterville. Photo courtesy Rooterville Facebook.

Original Facebook album with more photos via Rooterville can be seen here. When I first saw these images, I could barely believe she was the same pig in the photo. My brain had moments of difficulty relating the healthy, happy, and rather boisterous lady with the barely functioning one in the rescue photo.

Later when I originally captured the first image, I had yet to know the full details, that the young pig next to her was in fact her son. It made finding this image as I perused my captures all the more special, because it spoke to me of a long and challenging healing process. Her glance at my camera seems satisfied and happy as she rests next to her sleeping son. That I got to witness and record this simple moment of mother and son closeness that could just as easily never happened is truly magical for me.

Miracle's story is one of mercy and hope, a story of a family's second chance.

Miracle on one of my first days at the sanctuary, after months of healing and stall rest, anxious to spread her porcine wings.

Miracle on one of my first days at the sanctuary, after months of healing and stall rest, anxious to spread her porcine wings.

March Sanctuary Spotlight: Rooterville

In mid-February I traveled to a rural part of north-central Florida, about an hour south of Jacksonville and 50 minutes east of Gainesville. After my Apple GPS told me several wrong ways, nonexistent roads to take, and other tomfoolery, I arrived on the outskirts of Melrose at Rooterville's doorstep, marked by a marquee like you might see outside a church or a theater.

Rooterville Sign lit up for the night

Rooterville Sign lit up for the night

It marked the second sanctuary of the new year I would visit, and I was soon to learn that the source of its name were the potbellied pigs who originally inspired the creation of the sanctuary. Rooterville had grown from its early days as a potbelly rescue into a more fully-fledged farm animal sanctuary. Here I met a host of porcine characters, lounging, rooting, and exploring almost everywhere I looked.

Pigs & Clouds, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Pigs & Clouds, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Doodle & I, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Doodle & I, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Leo & I, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Leo & I, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

I also met a few equine and caprine friends, including (pictured) Doodle and Leo, both whom insisted on selfies with me, and many photos of themselves besides. I must say, both boys have dashing hairdos - I don't think I've quite seen the like at other sanctuaries!

Paul & Pancake, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Paul & Pancake, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

While later perusing Rooterville's website, I noticed that they had several open staffing positions available. I did not intend to leave Florida until April, so I reached out to Elaine, the founder of Rooterville, and asked if she would be interested in me working at the sanctuary for the month of March. It fit for both of us, especially given my previous caregiving and tour guide experience, both roles for which she is looking, and thus I have been helping out the last week and a half. Katie Kowhugger is getting acquainted with several of the most curious porcine residents, and it has been a delight to get to know the residents even better myself. More photos to come throughout the month!

Miracle in her recovery suite after her spay, anxious to join the larger population, and for more treats, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Miracle in her recovery suite after her spay, anxious to join the larger population, and for more treats, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Rudy helps me out with my email, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Rudy helps me out with my email, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Good Night Peepers & Chica, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

Good Night Peepers & Chica, Rooterville, A Sanctuary, Melrose, Florida

How Best Friends Can Heal Your Wounds: Levi & Romy

Levi & Romy, friends for life, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Levi & Romy, friends for life, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Levi and Romy were two of the first Farm Sanctuary New York residents I had the pleasure of meeting. The pair were sharing a stall in the Melrose Small Animal Hospital which also serves as the nexus of shelter activity. They had just come in separately not long before (their individual rescue stories are below), and though Romy had taken no time at all to bond with humans due to his long convalescence, Levi was still terrified. Romy would come bounding toward me when I entered their area, but Levi hung back; Romy would head butt, hoof, climb, and in other ways let you know of his need and demand for attention, while Levi seemed content to let his friend deal with us bipeds.

Levi & Romy playing with the Postal Peeps in their stall in the Melrose Small Animal Hospital, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Levi & Romy playing with the Postal Peeps in their stall in the Melrose Small Animal Hospital, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Romy & Levi, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Romy & Levi, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

A highlight of my Watkins Glen time was the first time Levi came up to me and started to hoof at my leg - a demand for attention that some of you might be accustomed to receiving from friendlier sheep and goats. Such a dramatic difference from when I first arrived and he would flee in terror. Whether it is a sign of his growing acceptance that the humans around him now are there to help him, or whether he just had a particular nasty itch he couldn't reach and I was a convenient scratcher, this gesture made me giddy. Perhaps it is a testament to the power of friends that Levi slowly started to not only allow people close, but eventually to demand attention himself. Maybe he saw the interaction that Romy had with us and this spurred his healing, and maybe Levi just needed more time to acclimate. 

Levi, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Levi, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Levi is now a bona fide friend to the humans, perhaps inspired by his best friend Romy. Watching the transformation from scared new rescue to loving Farm Sanctuary resident brought me so much joy, and now Levi and Romy get to live out their lives at the newest Farm Sanctuary site: Jon & Tracey Stewarts' Bufflehead Farms in New Jersey. Click here for a ridiculous cuteness overload video of their arrival. When the newest location is open, Romy, Levi, and their new herd will greet humans with the love and joy they have received, and maybe even inspire healing through friendship for visitors.

Levi, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Levi, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Yoga Animalia: Caprine - Levi

Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Levi was found, scared and emaciated, in Brooklyn. It is suspected that he somehow escaped a live market, as his Kentucky tags marked “meat” indicate he was transported in to the city. How he escaped is unknown and miraculous, as this boy has issues with his back that cause problems with his movement and he may possibly be a fainting goat. However he escaped, Levi found his way into the safety of Farm Sanctuary where his terror has started to abate, and he will receive a loving community to help him come out of his shell.

Levi, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Levi, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Romy, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Romy, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Yoga Animalia: Ovine - Romy

Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Romy arrived at Farm Sanctuary from a small permaculture farm that raises sheep for meat. He was left in the cold night after born, and, when found the next day, the effort and expense to heal the lamb outweighed his worth to them. Farm Sanctuary was able to get him the veterinary care he needed - several months worth of hospital trips and intensive antibiotic treatments. During that time Romy only had humans as companions, and to this day adores hanging out with people. This sickly lamb has become a loving and happy sheep, lavishing attention on his human and goat friends.

Romy, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York

Romy, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York